Instructions for Submission of Construction / Renovation Projects


TO:   Applicants/Sponsors Applying for Executive Order 12372 Federal Programs, Direct Federal Development Projects, Developments of Regional Impact (DRI) Projects, Other Interested Parties

FROM:   Barbara Jackson, Georgia State Clearinghouse

SUBJECT:   Submission Requirements

Submit copies to:

Barbara Jackson
Georgia State Clearinghouse
270 Washington Street, S.W., 8th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Telephone: (404) 656-3855
Fax: (770) 344-3568


Preference (especially if 50 or more pages):

1 Cover Letter
1 Hard Copy
6 CDs


1 Cover Letter
7 Hard Copies

Note - Any hard copies submitted should be stapled, clipped, or bound. All copies should be fully assembled. If possible, please do not place in folders or notebooks. Each CD should be labeled and placed in its own sleeve.


Preference (especially if 50 or more pages):

1 Cover Letter
1 Hard Copy
3 CDs


1 Cover Letter
4 Hard Copies

Note - Any hard copies submitted should be stapled, clipped, or bound. All copies should be fully assembled. If possible, please do not place in folders or notebooks. Each CD should be labeled and placed in its own sleeve.


Standard Federal Form (SF 424)

There are different formats of this form depending on the funding agency.  Note that this form may not be applicable with some project submittals.

Proposed Project Description Sheet

Write or type a brief description of the project (ex: construction of a 100-unit apartment complex for the elderly in Anytown, Anycounty, GA). If available, give the exact address of the project. Otherwise, give street name (or intersection).

Proposed Land Use Description and Prior use of the Land Summary Sheet

Write or type a brief description of the project area's terrain, possible flood plain intrusion, number of acres, proximity to wetlands, and prior land use history.

Project Location Map

Provide a legible location map that shows the site location in relationship to other areas of the city.

Topographic Map

Provide a United States Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Map (also known as a quadrangle map) with the proposed project site clearly marked.

Site Photographs

Photographs of the project areas to be affected should be included in your submittal. Preferably, all copies should include digital high-quality color images that are clearly focused. In lieu of this, have at least one copy with color images that are clearly-focused, with the remaining copies using black & white copies. Or you can submit mounted, original color 35mm pictures (no Polaroids). Photos should include the proposed project site as well as photos from all four directions (north, south, east, west). For renovation projects, include photos of the affected areas. Be sure to label all photos.


If you have been in direct coordination with any state agency or regional commission concerning your project, it is important that all correspondence received from them be included as part of your submitted material. Do not include:  Articles of Incorporation, IRS tax statements, Audit Reports or Resumes/Vitaes.

GADNR's Historic Preservation Division ER Form

Found on their website both in Word and PDF format at:

Environmental Assessment/Environmental Review/Environmental Impact Statement

If available, be sure to include with submittal.