Fiscal Notes 2025
Fiscal Notes 2025
Document | Description |
House Bill 92 - Postpone date by which local governing authorities can opt out of base year homestead exemption | |
House Bill 196 - State health insurance, require self-administered drugs be reimbursed used index-based pricing | |
Senate Bill 52 - Ad Valorem Taxation; authorize local authorities to provide temporary relief on timber in disaster areas | |
Georgia Radiation Exposure Compensation Act | |
House Bill 153 - Extend sunset on exemption for concrete machinery & mix from 2026 to 2031 | |
Senate Bill 46 - Government Serves the People Act | |
House Bill 297 - Ad valorem tax; define multipurpose off-highway vehicle | |
Exempt materials used in construction of capital outlay projects for educational purposes | |
Require coverage for necessary orthotic and prosthetic devices | |
Georgia Baby Bond Savings Program | |
Senate Bill 129 - Property Tax Exemptions; increase exemption for totally disabled veterans | |
State Employees Health Insurance include high deductible plans & HSA's | |
QBE: Pilot program to implement student-based funding recs of the 2015 Education Reform commission, make kindergarten & pre-k mandatory | |
Senate Bill 31 - Exempt military retirement pay from state income taxes | |
House Bill 136 - Income tax; contributions to foster child support organizations; expand tax credit | |
House Bill 94 - Require coverage for fertility preservation services when medically necessary for treatment of cancer, sickle cell or lupus | |
Support For Students Living in Poverty Act | |
Senate Bill 89 -Increase amount of tax credit for child & dependent care expenses to 40% of federal credit | |
Adjust school counselor ratio to 1:250 FTEs | |
House Bill 124 - Require coverage for PANDAS & PANS on state employees health insurance | |
House Bill 79 - Firearm Safe Handling and Secure Storage Tax Credit Act | |
Senate Bill 47 - 11-day sales tax exemption on firearms, ammo, gun safes, with a sunset in 2030 | |
Senate Bill 47 - 11-day sales tax exemption on firearms, ammo, gun safes | |
State Employees Health Insurance include high deductible plans & HSA's | |
House Bill 111 - Income tax; reduce rate of tax | |
House Bill 112 - Income tax; one-time tax credit for taxpayers who filed returns for both 2023 and 2024 taxable years | |
Senate Bill 67 - State income tax credit equal to 20 percent of the federal earned income tax credit | |
House Bill 21 - Income taxes, credit for development of eligible retailer that sells healthy foods | |
Senate Bill 52 - Ad Valorem Taxation; authorize local authorities to provide temporary relief on timber in disaster areas | |
House Bill 96 - Increase cigarette tax to $1.37 per pack; reset to national average annually | |
Provide new method for calculating state funding for state charter schools beginning with the 26-27 school year | |
State child tax credit equal to 10 percent of the federal child tax credit | |
Establish rules for reimbursement rates for treating Medicaid recipients for substance abuse disorders | |
Exempt individuals aged 100+ from state income taxes | |
House Bill 134 - Revise and expand a sales tax exemption for manufactured homes | |
Adjust qualified child and dependent care expense tax credit to 100% | |
House Bill 24 - DBHDD: establish school linked behavioral health grant program | |
Georgia Good Faith Grant Act | |
House Bill 62 - Georgia HOA Accountability & Community Empowerment Act | |
House Bill 88 - State Veterinary Education; provide for biomedical technicians be eligible for student loan forgiveness | |
House Bill 48 - Refugee and International Students Equalization (RISE) program | |
Provide for Trauma informed school counselors at GA public schools | |
House Bill 60 - Healthy Start Act | |
Exempt menstrual hygiene products from sales and use tax | |
House Bill 95 - State income tax credit equal to 20 percent of the federal earned income tax credit | |
Exempt defined baby products from sales and use tax | |
USG & TCSG make menstrual hygiene products available at no cost to students in certain facilities | |
Georgia Baby Bond Savings Plan | |
Senate Bill 26 - Military retirement income, apply a COLA to the amount allowable for excluded from state taxable income | |
Exempt clothing and school supplies from sales and use tax during second week of August each year |